Jesus carries His cross
Author: |
Unknown artist |
Created: | late 19th–early 20th century |
Material: | wood |
Technique: | carving, colour paint |
Dimensions: | 51 × 37 cm |
The scene of Jesus carrying the cross comes from the Stations of the Cross. It tells how Jesus was taken from Pilate’s palace, after being mocked and scourged and crowned with thorns by the soldiers, and led to Golgotha to be crucified. The Gospels describe His last journey.
The theme was associated by country people with oppression and misery, and they believed that Christ, bending under the weight of the cross, understood poor people and sympathised with them. Sculptures of it were often intended for open niches in roadside shrines or pillar-type crosses, and were therefore three-dimensional.
Text author Skaidrė Urbonienė
Source: Law firm Valiunas Ellex art album HEAVEN AND BEYOND (2016). Compiler Dalia Vasiliūnienė. Text authors Dalia Vasiliūnienė, Skaidrė UrbonienėExpositions: “Heaven and Beyond. Works of religious art from the collection of Rolandas Valiūnas and the law firm Valiunas Ellex“, 31 May–24 September 2016, Church Heritage Museum, Vilnius (curators Dalia Vasiliūnienė, Skaidrė Urbonienė)