Ewangelie na niedziele i święta Całego roku, na Post Wielki i dni Kwartałowe, na Msze przygodne i Processye uroczyste, w Rzymsko Katolickim Kościele używane
Author: |
Unknown artist |
Created: | 1865 |
Dimensions: | 0 cm |
The Sunday and feast day Gospel readings in Polish and Lithuanian prepared by the Jesuit Jan Jaknowicz (1589–1668) enjoyed huge popularity and were reprinted more than 40 times. It is thought that this collection of texts for preachers was first published in 1637 (the earliest surviving copy is from 1647). The book was reprinted more than once by various printing presses in Vilnius in the 19th century. The Ellex Valiunas collection has four copies of Jaknowicz’s Gospel readings in Lithuanian and Polish, published in Vilnius between 1819 and 1865.
Text authors Rolandas Gustaitis and Algimantas Muzikevičius.
Source: Law firm Valiunas Ellex art album ARS LIBRI (2022). Compiler Algimantas Muzikevičius, text authors Algimantas Muzikevičius, Rolandas Gustaitis