Objects on Show I 2017
Art album Objects on Show
Compiled by G. Jankevičiūtė. Vilnius, Ellex Valiunas, 2017.
The book Objects on Show presents a description of the evolution of the still-life in Lithuanian art. The term ‘still-life’ is thought to come from the Dutch word stilleven, and is translated as ‘inanimate nature’. At first sight, it seems to consist of static and sometimes even dull paintings of flowers or fruit. But this impression is deceptive. The history of the still-life is rich and diverse. The album presents pictures and engravings from 19th-20th centuries which tell us about the art of our region (artists, connoisseurs and collectors), and the culture and lifestyle (customs, fashion, tastes, economics and politics).

Art album Objects on Show
Compiled by G. Jankevičiūtė. Vilnius, Ellex Valiunas, 2017.
The book Objects on Show presents a description of the evolution of the still-life in Lithuanian art. The term ‘still-life’ is thought to come from the Dutch word stilleven, and is translated as ‘inanimate nature’. At first sight, it seems to consist of static and sometimes even dull paintings of flowers or fruit. But this impression is deceptive. The history of the still-life is rich and diverse. The album presents pictures and engravings from 19th-20th centuries which tell us about the art of our region (artists, connoisseurs and collectors), and the culture and lifestyle (customs, fashion, tastes, economics and politics).